Dr. Sanfilippo is director of the Emory-Georgia Tech Healthcare Innovation Program, which serves to accelerate innovation in healthcare delivery science research, education, and service, as well as Medical Director and Trustee of the Marcus Foundation, which supports numerous programs in cellular therapy. He is professor of pathology and laboratory medicine, Emory School of Medicine and professor of health policy and management, Rollins
School of Public Health. He has been a physician-scientist leader at Duke, Johns Hopkins, Ohio State and Emory and served as department chair, center director, dean, health system board chair and Academic Health Center chief executive officer. At each institution he led organization and culture changes resulting in novel interdisciplinary programs and improved academic, clinical and financial performance.
As a scientist, he led the formation of the Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Transplant Center, serving as its first director of research. At Duke he was Director of the Immunogenetics -Transplantation and Immunopathology Laboratories, and chief of the Renal and Transplant Pathology services. From 1985-87 he led the creation of the U.S. Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients for UNOS and HRSA.
Dr. Sanfilippo received his BS and MS degrees in physics from Penn, and his MD, PhD in immunology and Pathology residency training at Duke. He has published over 250 articles, mentored 33 graduate students and fellows, served on 14 editorial boards, received three patents, and awarded over $30 million in sponsored research as principal investigator of numerous NIH, VA, and industry grants in transplantation. He has been an invited speaker at over 200 meetings, a consultant to over 80 university, government and corporate institutions, board chair of five non-profits, and president of seven academic and professional organizations including the American Society of Transplantation.